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Green lentils are the most common of all the lentils, and feature a delicious earthy and nutty flavor. They hold their shape well in cooking, but not as well as French lentils.

Lentils: A Simple Guide


A humble legume with a high nutritional value, lentils make a hearty rnmeal, and they really are quite tasty! Lentils are rich in the minerals rnphosphorus, iron, and magnesium, which promote healthy cells, healthy rnsleep, blood, bones, and teeth. But without proper preparation, many or rnmost of these minerals are bound up in an antinutrient called phytate, rnand carried out of your body before it can even use them.


I’m going to show you how to properly prepare lentils so they can rnbest nourish your body. We’ll also talk about the difference between rnFrench lentils, red lentils, and ordinary green lentils, and which rnvarieties are best suited for which purposes. The pictures below will rngive you a feel for how each variety cooks up.


Soaking Lentils


You may have heard that lentils don’t need to be soaked before rncooking, and that’s true from a culinary perspective. But from a health rnperspective, there’s an important reason you should be soaking your rnlentils.


All beans are high in the antinutrient phytic acid, or phytate, whichrn grabs on to the minerals in your meal and carries them out before your rnbody is able to use them. Soaking lentils effectively neutralizes the rnphytic acid so that your body can absorb the minerals you’re rneating. That’s why traditional societies always gave their lentils a rnthorough soaking before preparing them. Think of ethnic foods like rnIndian Dosas and Dal.


Obviously, one of the main reasons we eat is to nourish our bodies rnwith the vitamins and minerals we need to be healthy. When you’re tryingrn to prevent or reverse tooth decay, or improve your health in some otherrn way, it’s important to get all the minerals you can. Soaking your rnlentils (and all of your beans) will enable your body to better absorb rnthe minerals in the foods you eat.


Soak lentils for about 6 hours or overnight in warm water with a rncouple tablespoons of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. (The soaking rnliquid needs to be slightly acidic to neutralize phytic acid and free uprn minerals for your body.)

French Lentilsrn

The attribute that gives French lentils an edge is that they hold rntheir shape and stay more firm than ordinary green lentils, and rnconsiderably more so than red lentils. This makes them perfectly suited rnfor salads. Use them as a side dish with vegetables, in a light soup, orrn even as a main course.


To prepare French Lentils, first cover them in warm water with a rnlittle lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and soak for 6 hours or rnovernight. Drain the soaking water and add one and a half times again rnthe amount of fresh water or broth as the amount of lentils you’re rnusing. Simmer for about 20 – 25 minutes.


French Lentils are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals similar torn the ones in blueberries and black grapes. (I’ve even noticed, when I rndrain the soaking water, that it has become the color of wine.) They arern high in minerals too, particularly iron and magnesium, and if you soak rnthem before cooking, you’ll benefit much more from these minerals.


French Lentils are grown using the same kind of lentil as Puy rnlentils. However, since they are grown in the U.S., Canada, or Italy, asrn opposed to the Puy region in the nation of France, they are never to bern called Puy lentils. They can be substituted in any recipe that calls rnfor Puy lentils, and they are much less expensive.


Red Lentils


Red lentils can range in color from gold, orange, and actual red. rnWith their sweet and nutty flavor, they are arguably the best-tasting ofrn all the lentil varieties, but that’s just my opinion! Red lentils are rnso small that they don’t require much cooking time at all and can be rnready in as little as 15 minutes if you’ve soaked them first. They are rninfamous for becoming pretty much mush – though very tasty mush – when rncooked all the way through, so they are best used in curries or for rnthickening soups.


Before you soak them, rinse your red lentils in running water until rnthe milky, dusty residue comes off and the water runs clear. Then cover rnthem in warm water with a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and rnsoak for 6 hours or overnight. Drain the soaking water and add one and arn half times again the amount of fresh water or broth as the amount of rnlentils you’re using. Simmer for about 15 – 20 minutes.


Green Lentils


This is the common lentil; the kind most folks think of when they rnhear the word. Green lentils can be a brownish green or a khaki brown. rnThey have a mild, earthy flavor, hold their shape almost as well as rnFrench lentils, and are a great addition to soups and stews.


Prepare green lentils the same way you’d make French lentils. The rnonly difference is green lentils’ cooking time is slightly shorter, rnabout 15 – 20 minutes.


If you look closely at the Green Lentil Soup picture, you’ll see rnpointy little sprouts coming out of a couple of the lentils. Lentils rnsprout fast! These were only soaked overnight, and by morning, most of rnthem had sprouted.


Fun Fact: The Black Beluga Lentil


People often find foreign seeds in our organic wheat, and the black rnbeluga lentil is one that is frequently discovered. It’s shaped like a rntiny green lentil, but it’s a dark brown or black color. Follow this link to learn why it’s common (and even natural) for there to be seeds like this in organic wheat.




Lentil Soup Recipe


When I was little, my mom would buy Progresso lentil soup in a can, rnand I loved it. This is my version of the way I remember it. I typicallyrn make this soup using green lentils, but when I made it with red lentilsrn for the picture above, my daughter and I liked it even better.




1 cup lentils (your choice of variety)
rn3 cups chicken stock or broth
rn1/2 yellow onion, finely chopped
rn3 carrots, finely chopped
rn2 stalks of celery, chopped
rntwo handfuls fresh or frozen chopped spinach (optional) I like to rnadd spinach when I’m using green or French lentils, but I find its colorrn and flavor too harsh to use with the delicate red lentils.
rn3 cloves garlic, minced
rn2 teaspoons ground cumin
rn1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
rnpepper and Celtic sea salt to taste



  1. Soak the lentils for 6 hours or overnight, then drain off the soaking water.
  2. Place the lentils in a soup pot, and add all of the remaining ingredients, except spinach.
  3. Simmer for 15 – 25 minutes, depending on the variety of lentils you’re using, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. If you’re using spinach, add it when the other vegetables are thoroughly cooked and simmer for an additional 3 minutes or so.

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